
Monday, 8 September 2014

Inspiration and the Muse Fairy

One of the most common questions authors are asked in interviews is, ‘where do you get your inspiration?’ Or, ‘Where do your ideas come from?’

These are great questions actually and the answer is always different. Inspiration comes from everywhere and anywhere in many varied guises. Let’s have a look at a few.


Creative people dream a lot. And it’s not just when they are asleep. Much gazing out of windows is done and believe me it is time usually well spent. Dreams are a rich source of inspiration, unconscious as it may be at the time. The curse, of course, is that sometimes we can’t recall the dream upon waking, but if it is strong and vivid enough the important part of the dream will stay with you, haunt you even, until you write it down.

Stephanie Meyers, author of the Twilight books, has often explained that the inspiration for Twilight came from a dream of a beautiful boy who later became Edward Cullen, the main character in her book.

The News

The News can be a very rich source of information. Articles on people, places, and situations all over the world can be the spark that sets off a new story idea. Stephen King has said reading the newspaper or watching the News on TV has often given him a story idea. What an author does with the information they get from these news articles is the magic part - the ‘what if’ that comes into play.

In quiet places

You will be surprised how many ideas form in the shower, in the car by yourself and in other quiet places. I think it is because you can let go of your other thoughts and set your imagination free. There is a reason why many writers are also walkers. 

 Poems, song lyrics, and quotes

I confess that I have often used lines from poems, song lyrics and quotes as inspiration. When you read a line and your mind starts sparking it is a wonderful thing. When pictures form in your head of a place, a character or a situation that then turns into your story you know you have been blessed by the muse fairy.

Where in your life do you find inspiration?

Love to love - this quote was the inspiration for my current work in progress currently titled 'The Collector of Hearts', where my hero vows never to be a fool in love again.

Love to learn –about how other writers work and get their inspiration. I've just read

A Year of Writing Dangerously, 365 days of Inspiration and Encouragement by Barbara Abercrombie and found it full of gems to keep you going.

Love to laugh – at romantic comedies. One of my favourites is Bridget Jones's Diary.

~ Cassandra Samuels debut book, A Scandalous Wager, will be available for purchase on the 8th of November, 2014 from Escape Publishing and all good e-book retailers.



  1. I find inspiration in my family, in my dreams, and in nature. But...I seem to be most inspired by medical research...when I read or learn about a current study my mind races with further possibilities-good and bad!

    1. Hi Dee. Thank you for coming by. There is so much to be inspired by isn't there? I love a good landscape and particularly like Autumm when the leaves are changing. So pretty. It is all those what if possibilities that really get you thinking don't they?

  2. Hi Cassandra. Gosh, where to start? For my short stories I've found inspiration in a line from a TV program, a joke told at a family bbq, a News story--you name it! I'm always looking for something to write about. The inspiration for my current romance wip came from a Scientific report I read on the internet, can you believe? As you said, inspiration comes from everywhere!

    1. It sure does Marilyn. You've gotta love a good joke. My father is the king of dad jokes. I've found inspiration in quotes, in poems and from song lyrics. Tell me more about your WIP.

    2. It's a 'reunion' story with my hero/heroine at odds over buried treasure - an opalised fossil.

    3. Sounds fantastic. I love a good reunion story.Opals are so beautiful. I don't think people realise how hard they are to find. Have you been to Opal country?

    4. Writing books with out-of-the-way Australian settings is a great excuse to go to those places for 'research' (oh, and holidays!). We spent a week in Lightning Ridge soaking up the atmosphere to give the made-up opal-town setting in my ms its authenticity.

    5. That would be so much fun and what better excuse than "research".

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! It's been very exciting and I have had really good feedback on it.

  4. I don't know if this is just a writer thing but when I'm driving and I see a car at the side of the road just sitting there I always wonder what is the story behind that car being there. Did they simply break down or was it stolen? Is there more sinister reasons behind that car having been abandoned? I guess even a car at the side of the road and lend inspiration. Have you ever found inspiration in the seemingly ordinary?

  5. Hi Cassandra. What a lovely post. Some of my stories have been inspired by digging around old history books and pieces of antique jewellery. Love your cover btw. :)

    1. Thank you so much for coming by Nicole. I love old history books - they tell us cautionary tales on every page. Antique Jewellery is such a great source of inspiration. Who wore it and where did they wear it too? Who gave it to them and why? Love it. What was the inspiration behind your book Seizing Heaven Nicole?

    2. Sure was. I was reading an article on marriage in the Middle Ages and then I found pictures of some medieval rings and I thought 'what if'.

    3. Wonderful. I think other than The End, What If? are two of the most important words for a writer.

  6. Hi Cassandra. Love your post. So many ways to find inspiration for story ideas. I'm a lover of songs and have found myself caught on a single line and instantly visualising characters and wondering about them. Story scenes soon follow. Hapens to me in concerts a lot which is both a blessing and not so much when I'm there to enjoy the band.
    I, too, look around me a lot and whatever I see sparks an idea.
    My current wip came from emotions I was feeling at the time. My father passed away and I wondered about his new home. A story appeared in a totally different genre to what I was writing at the time and wouldn't go away. Had to switch genres but I'm happy I did. Discovered I love the genre.
    BTW I love the cover of your first novel. It's gorgeous.

  7. I'm so glad you like my cover Enisa. He sure does catch your eye doesn't he? I can imagine finding inspiration in the middle of a concert could be very distracting. It's not like you can stop and write things down in the middle of a concert can you? How amazing that you could take something so tragic and close to your heart and turn it into something wonderful and inspiring and positive. Did you have the urge to try a different genre before your father's passing or was that the defining moment?

    1. I've always had an interest in paranormal phenomena. Favourite shows include X-Files, Twilight Zone and Supernatural. But I never had te urge to write that genre until that moment.

    2. Isn't it fascinating that a life changing moment can lead to another life changing moment? I've always loved sci fi films and TV like Star Wars and Firefly, so you never know when the time is right I might write something in that genre but for now I am enjoying playing around in the 1800s.

  8. Hi Cassandra, love your post. I really enjoy your musings about the getting of inspiration. I find it everywhere, in music, in a bird flying across the sky, the crash of waves at a beach, going for a walk in a new place and simply looking around at the people and places. Everything, everywhere really has potential!
    Congratulations on your new book, I can't wait to read it. And I'm also a fan of Bridget Jones' Diary... just watching the trailer made me want to watch the movie again!

    1. Hi Malvina. Thank you so much for dropping in. You are so right about everywhere having potential. I understand why so many people gravitate to lakes and bush out looks, or near the beach. The scenery is forever changing, forever reminding us to keep moving, keep learning and keep being inspired.Don't you think sometimes we don't stop long enough to really appreciate how amazing nature is?

  9. Definitely nature but also family stories, and research where you find out the origin of names. I love to photograph nature and come back to that as a creative resource.

    1. Hi Pearlz. So happy to see you here. I have heard some really amazing family stories and they are a great resource for inspiration. If you like to photograph nature then you know how many wondrous things are there to find and explore, either through a lens or sketched on paper or painted on canvas or however you want to capture it.

  10. I can safely say I find inspiration - everywhere! We live in such a big ol' world after all.

    So all the things you listed - totally with you on that one.

    1. Hi Helen--ditto. I wrote a short story once on the back of a single conversation I had with a check-out chick. Lol.

    2. Hi Helen the possibilities are endless really. You just have to be open to them.

    3. Hi Georgia. My daughter is a check out chick and she hears all sorts of stories. You never know when you are going to get a gem of an idea from the simplest conversation. Hair dressers also get told the most amazing things while cutting hair. Why is that?

    4. Because they are so easy to talk to. Their friendly queries relax you. The head massages as they wash your hair relax you even more so it's so easy to talk openly about things. At least that's my experience.

    5. I think this is why people love going to the same hairdresser or the same checkout person. I know my daughter has regulars.


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