Monday 11 June 2018

Using Music to Create - 'Collector of Hearts' Release Day

By Cassandra Samuels

Tomorrow is the big day! Release day for Collector of Hearts, Book 1 in the Regency Hearts series. To celebrate I will be giving away a copy of my new book to one lucky person who leaves a comment.

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Today I'm going to talk a little about how this book came to life and the power of music to help create. For me the spark of a story can come from many places but for this book it was a song, The Reason by Hoberstank. I thought, what if there was this man who is pretty messed up, who really needs someone to show him that he can love and also be worthy of love?

I pictured Robert Mallory, Marquis of Shelton, as being a rake, someone who was as notorious on the duelling field as he was in the bedroom. But what led him to this place? What happened to him to make him this way? The more I thought about it, the more I began to know this character, to understand him.

I entered my first chapter into a competition and it finalled. Okay, I was beginning on the right track. This entry became my first chapter but the comments from the judges made me realise that I needed to get the reader onside first. I worked and worked on the prologue because I knew if I didn't the reader would think Robert was a jerk. I entered the competition again, and again it finalled. This time the judges comments were more sympathetic, so I worked on the story some more. 

Image result for re-writing meme

I usually work with headphones on because, if I don't, I am distracted by every little noise in the house. The music gets me in the mood to write and then becomes white noise after a time. That's when I know I am in the zone 

Robert Mallory is definitely egotisical. He's been living off his reputation as the Collector of Hearts for years, and when he meets Arabella he has no idea how his life is going to be turned upside down. The song Writings on the Wall by Sam Smith sums up how important Arabella becomes to Robert in his search for himself and redemption.

Next I had to create a heroine who would be strong enough to put up with his nonsense and also love him despite his many faults. Originally, I had Arabella's twin sister having her own love story simultaneously with Arabella, but that meant less time for Robert and Arabella, and I needed all the words possible to make this love story work. I pared the story back and under the guidance of the all-knowing Kate Cuthbert, and with the support of my crit partners Marilyn and Enisa, I re-wrote the whole thing. But when I needed inspiration for how Arabella felt about Robert, I turned again to music. For Arabella I listened to Starving by Hailee Steinfeld.

In Collector of Hearts Robert talks about love as just part of a game. A game he always plays to win. He's talked himself into believing that this is how things are done, and when Arabella challenges that idea he sets about to prove himself right. Only he gets caught up in his own game and Arabella doesn't play by his rules. This sets him on a path to a place he never knew he wanted to be. Falling in love. True love. The epic song Beautiful Lie by Thirty Seconds To Mars seemed to sum it up perfectly.

 I hope you enjoy Collector of Hearts as much as I loved creating it.

Do you listen to music when reading or writing? What is your favourite song to listen to at the moment?

Love to Love  listening to music and discovering new ways to be inspired.

Love to Laugh at early copies of my work.

Love to Learn from wonderful volunteer judges in contests. Such feedback is priceless.


  1. Woohoo Cassandra I am really looking forward to this one can't wait to read it, it is on my list as for listening to music the radio is pretty much always on in my house so yes I listen to music while reading

    Have Fun


    1. I hope you enjoy it Helen. Music is just such a part of our lives. Imagine watching a movie with no music?

  2. Great post, Cassandra. Congratulations on getting Collector of Hearts just right for publication. Happy release day! I, too, get ideas from songs (30 Seconds to Mars' songs are terrific for my muse) but when I am actually writing songs always distract my focus. So I write in silence.

    1. It's amazing how we all work a little differently. Love 30 Seconds to Mars too. I also listen to 2 steps from Hell which is pretty much game and movie soundtrack sounding stuff. So I want to write a dramatic scene that's what I listen to.

  3. Cassandra, I love this story of your journey to publication for this book! You've worked so hard for so long, and now I can't wait to read it. Congratulations on your release today! I've already preordered, so - great! I never listen to music while I'm reading, unless it's on in the background in a coffee shop or somewhere when I'm out, reading. Funny, I couldn't tell you what the song is but subliminally my mind sings along and my toe taps, so when I come up for air I realise I've been following the music all along. Love your choices above, that clip in the Artic is insane! Sam Smith is a fabulous artist, the only one I actually knew from your choices. I've chosen different ring tones for my family, and the one that makes me smile the most is when my son rings and I get the TA-DAH! brass chord from the beginning of Star Wars. For most calls my phone sings 'Because I'm Happy' which is cheery and fun, and makes my grandchildren sing along. Love this digital age when everything is available to download. And, keep writing Cassandra! Hopefully Arabella's twin sister might feature some time in the future...?

    1. It's a wonderful age for access to film and music. I have different ring tones for my family too. Just a bit of fun really. Yes this book has been on a rollercoaster of a ride, a bit like the characters. Isabelle is featured pretty much the whole way through and didn't end up needing her own book. There is another character in this book is the hero of the next book I am writing now. I wonder if you can guess who it might be after you've read it.

  4. I watch all these trailer and it really amazing . I enjoyed the videos. I found that book is so amazing and I love to read the novel.
    I got eBooks Download online and read the rest of story.

    1. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for dropping in. I'm so glad you enjoyed the music videos.

  5. Interesting process you have, Cassie. I know we've discussed it before but I never play music when I'm writing my novels. Maybe I'm spoilt because we live in such a quiet area, otherwise I might resort to that white noise effect. Looking forward to your second novel (been a bit long between drinks and I'm in need of another dose of your wonderful storytelling, descriptions and wit!).

    1. Thank you Alyssa. Yes better late than never as they say. I must be too nosy as I am easily distracted by just about everything in the house, telephone call, kids talking in the back room, tv etc etc.

  6. Thanks for sharing your writing process with us, Cassie. I can relate to the white noise effect you describe, where you are so immersed in your writing that you are "in flow". I'm very much looking forward to reading "Collector of Hearts".

    1. Thanks Sharon. I hope you enjoy it. I love it when the immersion happens and the hours melt away and the words pile up into chapters.

  7. Hi Cassandra! Firstly, huge congratulations on your latest release. It's sitting on my kindle waiting to be read. :D Listening to music gets me into the mood to write and, like you, when it slips into white noise I'm in the zone (without really knowing it, if you know what I mean).

    1. I know exactly what you mean and I really do find it helpful to get back into my characters head by listening to their song. Happy reading.


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